Tuesday, September 10, 2019

School supplies - a quest not to be taken lightly

Now join us on the school supplies journey we decided to do on Sunday night since our weekend days are consumed by the shop.

We began at Walmart to get a protractor and compass and some other generic supplies. It was pathetic the assortment left, was like the bread and milk aisle when snow is forecast. People were wandering around all confused and dismayed at the lack of supplies.

We ran down to Dollar Tree which was actually better stocked and much more organized but alas no protractor and compass. 

So off on the highway we ventured away to Target. I went to the ladies room as the quest had left me needing some relief. Imagine my joy when the stalls were lacking TP, I found a small supply and warned others as they entered. I found a female employee to tell her of the urgency many ladies were about to face....I found my small tribe, no protractor or compass to be found in the cart, they had no luck. I walked down one aisle and found the Holy Grail right next to a pack of scissors. It was both needed items in one package, I returned to the hunters and showed them my kill. They were amazed and dumbfounded after having beaten the brush thoroughly in that area and finding nary a beast. I was the hero of the night.

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