New Jersey is the only state to now ban not just plastic bags but also paper bags. The paper bag ban is mostly in effect for supermarkets, it does not apply to all businesses and the paper bags allowed must also meet certain criteria. I studied a 5-page document to make sure we were bag compliant in case anyone decided to call the Bag Snitch Line. First offense is a written warning, next is a $1000 fine.
New Jersey has also banned plastic straws. This is all great and good BUT we need to take this plastic ban a bit further and eliminate the use of a few other things. Packaging is the biggest culprit and some packaging occurs where it can be cut-back quite a bit and that solution is easy as just going back to how it was done just a few years ago. I am talking about the individual creamers which come in those PLASTIC mini-containers. Sure, most are shelf-stable, but one can only imagine what is needed as far as preservatives go to make them shelf-stable thus another reason to slow your roll on their use.
Yes, it has made it easier in places which deal with a lot of to-go but do you really need to use these when sitting down to dine? Go back to the glass, stoneware and/or stainless-steel bottles and dispensers for the cream and milk. I just found this one in a quick search for just $2.00:
I love when I am eating out in a small cafe and they actually use the half-pint-sized glass milk bottles. Another easy solution that saves money in the long run, is reusable, easy-to-clean AND looks darling on the table. I found these on Amazon - 20 for $22.00:
Now we are entering your home and work kitchens etc. Let's talk about Keurig pods - generic and name-brand. Another blight in the dumps...I used to use a Keurig and when I did, I used the reusable pods. They are inexpensive and last a long, long time. In fact, they outlasted my use of a Keurig. Convenient, yes, but the brew just never tasted the same as a good old-fashioned coffee machine. Be it French Press, percolator or just a Mr. Coffee, a longer brew time vs. hot water dashing through a pod tastes so much better. But if you love your Keurig, get your favorite coffee and not only are you helping eliminate garbage, you are saving yourself quite a bit of money. Just $10.00 for 6 on Amazon. The great thing with buying a few is you can always have a bunch of pods ready-to-go.
The opinions expressed in this blog are exactly that, my opinion. I am sure many will disagree with this but if this reaches one restaurant which agrees and decides to change then that is a step towards change. Change can be small but it can have a large impact.
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